VUM1NUTE: Portrait of Kristina S. Weißmüller
Youtube video: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam made a short video to showcase Kristina's pioneering research and expertise in the "VUM1NUTE" video series, Amsterdam, 17th January 2025.
Opinion of 24 young Amsterdam academics: ‘Universities are silenced twice: first the cuts, then cancelled from the protest in Utrecht’
Opinion piece on the right to protest and severe political cuts on higher education published in Het Parool , Amsterdam, 18th November 2024.
Keywords: Higher education, public policy, anti-science policy, austerity politics, national protest, education politics, Netherlands
Deliberative Quality in International Organizations at WTO headquarters
Research presentation & practitioner dialogue at World Trade Organization, Geneva, 29th May 2024.
Keywords: Deliberative Quality, International organizations; global governance; World Trade Organization; international negotiations. public integrity; behavioral public administration
Interview for SRF: Large corruption scandal (Seco) tried in Switzerland
Expert interview on bribery and public sector corruption for Swiss public broadcasting (SRF):
Keywords: Bribery; Corruption; SECO case; Swiss national braodcast SRF; Anti-Corruption; Public Integrity
How people become corrupt: "High sums lower the moral inhibition threshold" (Wie Menschen korrupt werden: „Hohe Summen senken die moralische Hemmschwelle“)
Corruption expert Kristina S. Weißmüller on the psychology of bribery, dangerous gray areas and successful anti-corruption strategies. Interviewed by Barbara Nolte, 19 March 2023, Tagesspiegel, Germany.
Keywords: Bribery; Corruption; Moral Justification; Anti-Corruption; Public Integrity
What motivates integrity violations? Insights from Behavioral and Administrative Science
Kristina S. Weißmüller was invited to present her research insights as an expert at Transparency International Switzerland's Anti-Corruption Practitioners' Circle, 4 November 2022. Transparency International Switzerland, Bern, Switzerland.
Organizational corruption is one of the most pressing unresolved issues of leadership and management. This talk presents insights from research on the psychological and contextual mechanisms !hat allow individuals to rationalize integrity violations. The results of 344 studies worldwide show that four important clusters of factors effectively weaken organizations' cultural integrity: political influence, institutional characteristics, co-worker behavior, and employee motives and characteristics. As a remedy, this talk also highlights factors that help create and strengthen an organizational culture of integrity. lt discusses the effectiveness of distinct anti corruption strategies (grass-root vs. bottom-up) to inform the practice of integrity management, human resource policy, and leadership practice of integrity.
Keywords: Corruption; Whistleblowing; Anti-Corruption; Transparency International; Moral Justification; Integrity
Evaluation of the certification procedure of Code of Honour Switzerland and comparison with the ZEWO Label of Quality (Evaluation Zertifizierungsverfahren Ehrenkodex Schweiz und Vergleich mit dem ZEWO-Gütesiegel)
Ritz, A., Weißmüller, K.S., Kalbermatten, C. (2021). Evaluationsbericht zuhanden Stiftung Ehrenkodex. Kompetenzzentrum für Public Management, Universität Bern, Switzerland.
Keywords: Nonprofit Management; Evaluation; Certification Procedure; Quality Management; NGO Code of Honor